About Me

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I'm a freelance writer, wife and mother of one from Western Massachusetts. Spending time with my family and having the honor of raising my son together with my husband is where my whole heart is. Just before our son was born we fell in love with the location of a fixer upper lake house and moved in when I was VERY pregnant. We've been renovating ever since. When I'm not writing, filling the roles of wife or mother, I enjoy a relatively new passion, boxing. It's an empowering workout like none I've ever experienced. Watch out for my right cross. I'd love to hear from you. Email me traceywrites@mass.rr.com.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Simple Superhero

   Walking back from the pool while on vacation last month, JJ was a few steps ahead of me. 
    “Look mom, I’m a superhero!”   He proudly exclaimed.

   I watched him drape his towel over his head and pull it taught with both hands creating a cape.  Something he’d done many times before.  Today though, the sun happened to be at an angle that cast a shadow out in front of him.  As we walked, the shadow made it look like he was in fact a real super hero flying with his cape.  Delighted, he began to run/fly and the five minute walk back to the house became an adventure of epic proportions.

   My first instinct was to yell at him to stop running.  Visions of skinned knees ran thru my mind, but I stopped myself.  Instead, I allowed this simple moment of pleasure to envelop me along with my almost six year old.  It was pure bliss.  What a gift, that such a little thing was giving my son so much joy and how incredible was it that as his mother who adores him, I was able to experience it as well?

   A few minutes later we were back at the house and he was soon immersed in a variety of race cars, transformers and action figures, but for just a little while, life was as simple as a boy, a towel and his imagination.  It made me really think about not needing much to make life as adventurous as our minds will allow. 

    Ah, the wisdom of youth and the magic it holds for us all.

What are your Simple Superhero moments?  Post them below and follow me on Twitter @40byFortyList.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Western Mass edition of baystateparent

I was happy to be included as a part of the very first Western, Ma edition of baystateparent.  Now you can enjoy the free parenting paper throughout all of Massachusetts.  This issue gets us thinking about the warm summer months with their camp edition.  Here's my article about the magic of Camp Bonnie Brae, a Girl Scout Camp celebrating it's 95th year ... enjoy!

Camp Bonnie Brae Celebrates 95 Years of Memories